PCM Studio

Very artistic 2023, Turin contemporary art fair (post, blog article)

Milan Sculpture

VII Edition of the Milan Sculpture fair (video promo 1, video promo 2)


MostraI volti della Sapienza” at the Buonconsiglio Castle in Trento (video, blog article)


Promotion of the Artsupp Card in collaboration with the Bagatti Valsecchi Museum in Milan (reel)

Promotion of the Artsupp Card (reel, blog article)

Lara Facco Press

Parma 360 Festival of Contemporary Creativity (reel)

miart International Fair of Modern and Contemporary Art in Milan (post)

CLP Public Relations

Personal exhibition by Maurizio Bottarelli at Unipol CUBE (blog article)

Mostra su Robert Doisneau al Diocesan Museum of Milan (video)

Attasit Pokpong al staff MUSEC of Lugano (post)

Muraless Art Hotel

Opening of the Muraless Art Hotel, first hotel in Europe dedicated to Street Art (video, blog article)

Cairo Publisher – Cairo Prize

Censorship of Michelangelo's David in the USA (video)

The activists' attack on L.O.V.E. by Cattelan (video)

JR's Inside Out Project arrives in Milan (video)

Banksy's new work against violence against women (video)

MA-EC Gallery

Performance di Light Painting dell’artista RoyWang in occasione della mostraFocus. My Society and Me” (promotional video)

Opening della mostraFocus. My Society and Me” for the Milan Photofestival review (post)

Opening della mostra “The Goodness” di Thabadin Boonnuang (reel)


Ambrosiana Art Gallery

The treasures of the Pinacoteca Ambrosiana (stories + reel + post)

Worlds e Addvent

“Un’esperienza da incorniciare” – partnership between the two companies (stories + reel)

MA-EC Gallery

Photographic exhibition at Villa Tittoni in Desio (MB) on the occasion of the Milano Photo Festival (reel)

Opening della mostra “La Rivoluzione Gentile” di Qiu Yi presso la sede milanese della MA-EC Gallery a Palazzo Durini (reel)


Ocean Space

Exhibition in the Church of San Lorenzo in Venice (stories + post)

Twentieth Century Museum of Florence

Solo exhibition by Jenny Saville (stories + post)