Dal 13 June to 29 September 2023, CUBE, the Group's Corporate Museum Unipol in Bologna, hosts “Dispel the Limit”, the personal exhibition of the Emilian painter Maurizio Bottarelli (Fidenza, 1943).

CUBO Unipol exhibition by Maurizio Bottarelli
The artist Maurizio Bottarelli at the press preview of the exhibition with Vittorio Verdone, director of Unipol Group Communications, Angela Memola, responsible for the artistic heritage, and the curator Pasquale Fameli.

The show, edited by Pasquale Fameli, collects a series of paintings donated by the artist to the artistic heritage of the Unipol Group. The works on display summarize the most representative stages of Bottarelli's creative journey, highlighting its main figurative characteristics and international influences.

Maurizio Bottarelli at the CUBO Unipol

The exhibition, set up in two locations of the Museum – Porta Europa and Unipol Tower in Bologna, presents 13 paintings donated by the painter Maurizio Bottarelli to the Unipol Group.
The works on display retrace the figurative evolution of the artist, which develops around three main themes:

  • The testa;
  • The body and, in particular, il naked;
  • Il landscape.

The works on display

The exhibition itinerary begins at the Porta Europa headquarters, with the Testa of the 1962. As well as highlighting European artistic influences of the caliber of Jean Dubuffet, this work represents the existential torment as a widespread feeling of those years. The face, Indeed, appears deformed, swollen, decidedly far from the canons of common portraiture. The head is a model to which Bottarelli returns several times over the years and the other two bear witness to this Test of the 2012 on display.

Testa - Maurizio Bottarelli
Opera Testa – Maurizio Bottarelli (1962)

Starting from the heads, Maurizio Bottarelli develops a further interest in it study of the human subject. The torment expressed by Testa of '62 then materializes in Naked of the 1964, which represents a figure with a twisted but elegant appearance, almost alien. In works like this, the influence of great masters such as Francis Bacon and Graham Sutherland is evident.

Naked - Maurizio Bottarelli
In the foreground the work Naked – Maurizio Bottarelli (1964). In the background the two Untitled of the 1986.

The exploration of naked bodies then leaves room for cold and severe constructions with an almost industrial flavour, who remember the finiteness of the human condition. The two works Untitled (1986) they resemble dark, peeling walls, which well represent this sense of transience.

The exhibition, In the end, analyzes the most mature phase of Bottarelli's artistic research which, starting from the 1980s, materializes in a return to landscape. The 5 works exhibited in the Unipol Tower, including Norway (2010) e Tasmania (2005), demonstrate a vivid interest in a landscape understood romantically as existential metaphor, remembering the likes of William Turner.

Landscape - Maurizio Bottarelli
In the foreground the work Norway – Maurizio Bottarelli (2009-10). In the background is the other work in the series Norway (2010).

Disperse the limit“: an emblematic title

The emblematic title of show, Dispel the Limit, It is well suited to the artistic interests and figurative research of Maurizio Bottarelli. As Cerritelli states (in Maurizio Bottarelli. The painting of existential discomfort – 2019), tutta la produzione dell’artista nasce da «una profonda riflessione sulla condizione umana, with existential implications perceived as intermediaries of the consciousness of living, radice di un’identità di difficile definizione». And it is precisely for this reason that, in the works on display, il limitesi disperde”. The art of Bottarelli, Indeed, manages to go beyond any figurative limit to give rise to a sense of the unresolved in the observer which inevitably leads to reflection.

CUBO Unipol exhibition by Maurizio Bottarelli
The artist Maurizio Bottarelli among his paintings Tasmania (2005) on the left e Untitled – diptych (1977) To the right.

CUBE – The Unipol Group Business Museum

Il Unipol Group inaugurated the museum in 2013 at the headquarters of Porta Europa, designed by architect Ettore Masi in the fair area of ​​Bologna.
The CUBO's mission is to tell the values ​​of the Unipol Group – memory, protection, sharing and future – through the sharing of culture and the valorization of artistic heritage. The museum offers exhibitions, events, laboratories, meetings and much more throughout the year.
Dal 2021, Furthermore, enjoys a second, headquarters overview: the top three floors of Unipol Tower, in via Larga.

💸 ingresso libero
🗓️ fino al 29 September 2023
📍​CUBO in Porta Europa – Art Space, Piazza Vieira de Mello 3, e C​​UBO in Torre Unipol – Via Larga, 8 – Bologna
⏱️ da lunedì a venerdì 9.30-20.00 (until 23.30 on Tuesday and Thursday).

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    • Thank you very much Angela, It was a pleasure to visit the exhibition and meet Maestro Bottarelli!

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