Anyone in the industry knows this: exhibit your works of art it's not easy at all, especially when you have a limited budget. Whether it's paintings, sculptures, photographs or otherwise, finding a location at an affordable price is a real challenge, especially in big cities like Milano o Roma.

In questo articolo vi propongo una modalità alternativa–e, above all, economical!–per esporre le proprie opere in modo… innovative!

esporre le proprie opere d'arte, picture gallery

How to exhibit your works of art (at a good price!)

As I said in the introduction, finding a location to hold an exhibition that doesn't cost an arm and a leg is a feat. Especially in cities of art like Milan, Roma, Venezia o Firenze, prices for renting a space start from 1.500 ai 2.000 euros for about ten days, also arriving at 5.000-10.000. So how does an artist do it, who may be just starting out, to be able to afford to exhibit their works and make their art known to the public?

Online exhibitions as an alternative to physical ones

Una valida alternativa all’affitto di una locationfisica”, it is the use of a virtual space. Recent technological developments, Indeed, have made the setting up of digital exhibitions. There are various online platforms that allow artists, gallery owners and independent curators to organize virtual exhibitions.

come esporre le proprie opere d'arte: ties virtual exhibition
LEGAMI is my first digital exhibition as an independent curator. visit her Who.

One such site is Villume, which allows you to choose one virtual space between a series of templates and customize the interior. Colors can be changed according to your needs, brightness, height and frame of the paintings, and so on. The supported formats are the classic static ones JPG e PNG, and also GLB che consente di caricare immagini 3D–ideali ad esempio per opere scultoree. It's possible, Furthermore, add del text on the walls of the virtual gallery, to give information to digital visitors about the title of the exhibition, the artists involved, the critical text etc. For each work you can compile one information sheet including title, year of creation, materials and technique, and price.
Once the exhibition is published, And shareable everywhere: site, social media, newsletter ecc. The visit of the virtual space is totally free.

One of the advantages of Villume is the prezzo content. The platform offers different types of subscriptions, starting from soli 10$ per month, which go down to 9$ if you decide to purchase the subscription online. A big leap compared to the 1.500 euros of the physical location, and a great way to start publishing your own works and/or collaborating with aspiring curators. It should be noted that Villume does not present itself as a platform for buying and selling works, which must always take place outside the site, and therefore does not retain any commission.

come esporre le proprie opere d'arte: Alexander Grimoldieu works
Detail of LEGAMI with works by Alessandro Grimoldieu
My first exhibition as an independent curator on Villume

I decided to talk to you about Villume because I'm using it myself. First of all to experience how curator, and also to continue working with Italian artists despite having moved to the other side of the world.

TIES is the title of my first exhibition as an independent curator. This is a double solo show by artists Quirino Cipolla and Alessandro Grimoldieu. If I have intrigued you, you can visit it at the following link and read the critical text with attached biographies of the artists and myself on Issue.

Quirino Cipolla works
Detail of LEGAMI with works by Quirino Cipolla

Let me know in the comments if you have ever tried to do a virtual exhibition and what your experience was like, or contact me privately if you want to work on a project together.

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  1. […] Louis Wain was a renowned English artist who became famous for his whimsical illustrations of cats at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. His life story, recently featured in the biopic The Electrical Life of Louis Wain (2021) con Benedict Cumberbatch, has often been associated with discussions of mental health in artists. […]

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